Literary Themes: Betrayal

SHAPE: To start I ended up sketching a few different themes, my favorites being Nature vs Society and Betrayal. Settling on the theme of Betrayal I had a surprisingly limited number of iterations of the purely shape version before getting to the final piece, since the concept had been pretty clear from the initial sketch.

TYPE: I struggled a bit with the creation of pure type as a portrayal of betrayal, with many versions before finally getting to something that complimented the theme nicely. I tried fonts, moving each letter around, mirroring letters, and adjusting the kerning before I got the concept to be successful.

MIXED: For the mix of type and image, I had a pretty good idea as far as the general design from the beginning, just requiring a small amount of adjustment with which parts of the image should be white versus black.

BOOK COVER: Finally the book cover was a pretty direct translation from the mixed piece to a book cover. Once again I ended up altering the color of each part, as well as moving the letters of "Medea" as to fit and be as legible as possible. 
Literary Themes

Literary Themes
